- Associate Editor, IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing, 2022 - present.
- Guest Editor, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation - Special Issue on Integration Method of Reinforcement Learning and Evolutionary Algorithm: Approaches and Applications , 2024.
- Guest Editor, Journal of Advanced Transportation - Special Issue on Computer Vision Techniques in Intelligent Transportation Systems , 2020.
Conference AC/SPC:
- Area Chair:
- SIGKDD'25 (2nd Cycle), ICML'25, ICLR'25, SIGKDD'25 (1st Cycle).
- NeurIPS'24, ICML'24, SIGKDD'24.
- Senior PC:
- IJCAI'25, AAAI'25.
- IJCAI'23.
- Area Chair:
Invited Talks:
- Learning to Solve Vehicle Routing Problems. HuaWei, Shenzhen, 01.2024.
- Learning to Solve Vehicle Routing Problems. School of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing University, 10.2023.
- Learning to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems. A*STAR Mini Symposium on Quantum Science & Technology, Singapore, 03.2023.
- Learning to Optimize. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, 12.2022.
- Learning to Solve Vehicle Routing Problems. IEEE Taskforce on Evolutionary Scheduling and Combinatorial Optimisation, Victoria University of Wellington, 11.2022.
- Learning to Solve Vehicle Routing Problems. Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, 07.2022.
- Learning to Solve Vehicle Routing Problems. The 22nd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 07.2022.